Cognitive Sensor
Cognitive Sensor & Telemetry Systems
Verus Research leverages our latest advancements in cutting edge technology, including high-sensitivity, high-field strength, nanoscale and photoconductive structures, ultra-low power semiconductors, metamaterials, and optoelectronics with robust artificially intelligent processing backbones, to develop innovative and highly intricate multi-spectral cognitive sensor capabilities.
Covert Communications Systems
Covert Communications Systems
Verus Research spearheads the research & development of low probability of detection, interception and geo-location (LPI/LPD/LPGeo) distributed and tactical radio, radar and sonar systems. We advance the theoretical frontiers for nonlinear, spread spectrum modulation formalisms and realize these advancements in compact form-factor, covert communication systems against sophisticated adversary signals intelligence systems.
RF-Enabled System
Cyber Systems
Verus Research creates novel techniques to use agile high-power microwave waveforms optimized to induce repeatable cyber-physical effects on electronic targets of interest at demonstrably lower susceptibility thresholds. We develop and field custom-built, distributed, radio frequency (RF) and acoustic sensory systems that can provide accurate electronic-battle-damage assessment (e-BDA) in operational scenarios.
Phased Array
Phased Array
Antenna Systems
Verus Research delivers next-generation active and passive RF and millimeter-wave Phased-Array antenna systems utilizing the latest advancements in semiconductor and low-density plasma cell switching technologies, phase change materials technologies, and optimized beam control algorithms. Our solutions provide simultaneous multi-beam and high rate-of-scan phased array systems for Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) applications.