Energy Weapons
Directed Energy Weapons Engagement
Verus Research designs, develops and executes a variety of modeling and simulation capabilities customized to explore all facets of directed energy weapon utilization. Our tools extend from target effects to mission modeling and provide engagement-level effectiveness, mission-level vulnerability models, and military utility and collateral damage estimation.
Verus Research develops high-fidelity electromagnetic simulation capabilities and advanced visualization tools based in game engines. We perform advanced radio frequency (RF) propagation analysis, RF system response after laser damage, and high-energy particle simulations. We employ the latest in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) capabilities, enhancing our advanced technology developments and providing high-fidelity technical demonstrations our customers.
Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Architectures
Verus Research develops software architectures for diverse, multidisciplinary capabilities, including graphical user interfaces (GUIs), databases and data management systems, test data post-processing scripts and data plotting capabilities, network communications and system automation and analysis software. These M&S architectures support the varied sensor and system developments across the enterprise..